Even the Covid-19 cloud has its silver lining. We can’t get close to each other, but we can get close to nature. Ironically, there’s lots of good in that. Read my thoughts in this week’s edition of “Isn’t That Ironic?”.
The deer around our house have been particularly tame and curious lately.
Most of the old inspirational sayings and songs have been lost to popular culture. Do you remember the saying, “every cloud has a silver lining”? It also formed the basis of a 1919 song by Jerome Kern, “Look for the Silver Lining,” which was popularized again during the Second World War by Judy Garland.
It’s an inspirational song about looking for the good in the bad, finding blessings in adversity. Here is a sample of the lyrics.
A heart full of joy and gladness Will always banish sadness and strife. So always look for the silver lining And try to find the sunny side of life.
The troubled times we are living through are somewhat of a throwback to the world’s troubles at that time. Amongst all the “bad” things of that great global war, there were some silver linings: a great renewal of faith, of appreciating simply joys, of seeing the positive even in disaster.
This little fella just had to get up close and personal. He really wanted to sniff me out - came almost right around the truck to do it! I don't smell that bad. I showered a couple days ago! I think he wanted to shake my hand but I wouldn't let him touch me and made him stay 6 feet away.
I see many of these same “silver linings” coming through in our present crisis. We can’t get close to each other, but we can still get close to nature. Maybe we need more of that anyway. I haven’t done any socializing for weeks, but I’ve been outside every day. After last week’s late winter snowstorm, I’ve been snowshoeing. The deer have been unusually tame and curious lately, although I don’t think the pandemic has anything to do with it.
The snowshoe trail at the Peace River Ski Hill. Nobody seems to use it except me. It's a beautiful and secluded path through the forest - right in the middle of town!
In today’s world, so many of us have been infected with the great spiritual disease of modern times—our overwhelming focus on “ego” things: materialism, outward success and acquisitiveness, and non-stop mental overstimulation. We have left little time or attention in our lives for what is truly nourishing and enriching to our spirit. Such things as: the simple joy of experiencing the present moment, a sunny day, a curious deer, the first robin of spring, hugging our child, sharing a meal, singing with others, breathing the fresh air, planting flower bulbs.
Taking a break from snowshoeing to marvel at the amazing vista of the Peace River Valley.
It's ironic, but sometimes it takes a crisis to make us realize what’s really important. This virus has forced us to slow down, re-evaluate our priorities, make room in our lives for what is truly nourishing. There are still some things we can do. Instead of more screen-time, how about more nature-time. Instead of rapid-fire mental stimulation, how about slowing our minds and letting our ears, eyes, and noses perceive what is all around us at every moment. I had to stand still for a long time before the deer and the birds came close enough to take their pictures. It was worth being still, and even a bit bored, while it happened. These were moments of peace and beauty. That’s what we’re missing so much in our modern life!
So let’s slow down. Hug your kid. Hug your parent. Stop long enough to notice nature—to let its energy re-energize you. Listen to the birds, the breeze, the trees. Appreciate this wonderful moment.
Thank you, God, for bringing me to this beautiful moment!
God Bless You!
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