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Writer's pictureDonald Lee

The Street Hockey Rebellion

Two weeks to flatten the curve didn’t work. Let’s try five days of street hockey for freedom. Read what I mean in this week’s edition of “Beyond Ironic”.

The truckers have shown all of us what it is to be Canadian—what the True North Strong and Free is all about. They have given up their wages. What is money when we have no freedom? They are spending their time and money to show our useless “leaders” that Canadians have had enough BS and we want our freedom back—NOW. And we’re not going home until we get it.

Hundreds of thousands of us have lined the streets and waved flags and signs in support. Some have cooked meals and delivered them to the highways. Some of us have marched or driven in solidarity conveys. But still our “leaders” don’t respond. They hide. They lie. This is beyond ironic! They’re not getting the message that THEY ARE OVER. Canadians are so DONE with the BS. Drop all the mandates, all the restrictions, all the division, all the lies, all the propaganda. Just Stop! And resign!

Now there is something else the rest of us Canadians need to do. A general strike. The hundreds of thousands of Canadians who support our truckers and support common sense and freedom are still being ignored. Ignored by the mainstream media, by politicians, even by our fellow Canadians who are still asleep. Obviously, they need a louder wake-up call.

I propose the Valentine's Street Hockey Rebellion General Strike. For five days, February 14-18, nobody go to work, nobody buy anything, nobody sell anything. For those five days, stay at home and engage in the Great Canadian Sport of Street Hockey. Our kids don’t even know what it is. This is our Canadian Heritage! And I haven’t even seen a game of street hockey in this century! For five days, get out your old hockey sticks and play street hockey every day, on every block, in every Canadian city, town, and village. Let’s show our kids what it is to be a Canadian. Teach them how to play street hockey. (Even let them score a few goals.) And show them that Canadians don’t put up with tyrant dictators!

Play board games. Walk the dog. Read a book. Play a musical instrument. But don’t work, don’t spend any money, and don’t sell anything. All commerce can come to a stop. All Canada can just play for five days. The world can wait, and the politicians can go to hell!

If the truckers can put their livelihoods on the line, risk fines, and imprisonment, the rest of us can skip a week’s income in support. Let’s show our elites how the “radical fringe” responds to dictatorship!

Five Days of Street Hockey for Freedom!

God Bless You!

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2 comentarios

Matthias Jacob
Matthias Jacob
03 feb 2022

You fucking looney bastard

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02 feb 2022

This is a great idea you have - I hope it spreads like wildfire so we can all send a message that we're tired of not being heard. We want our politicians to "serve the people" the way they're supposed to, or get away from the trough and let others take their place who will.

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